
book signings

Book Signings: 7 Tips for Successful Book Signings and Readings

Book signings and book readings can create publicity for your book, connect with readers, and give you much-needed practice in book promotion. They’re a wonderful way to celebrate your achievement and meet your fans. While book signings and book readings … Continue reading »

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book formatting

Book Formatting: 7 Great Tips for Self-Published Authors

Looking for some book formatting tips? Once you’ve authored a book you want to publish yourself, the next step is getting it ready to print. You have two choices when publishing your book, and each requires a different approach to … Continue reading »

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custom songbook

Custom Songbook: 7 Steps to Create a Great Songbook

If you’re a lyricist, you may have written a lot of songs, but they’re scattered all over the place. Putting them together in a custom songbook will help you realize how much work you’ve done and create a portfolio you … Continue reading »

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bad book cover

Bad Book Cover: 9 Ways to Ruin Your Marketing

A smart book marketing campaign is only as good as the book itself. If you have a bad book cover, a talented publicist or a creative advertising push can only do so much. For some self-publishing authors, book cover design … Continue reading »

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book layout designer

Book Layout Designer: How to Get the Best Book Layout

The way that a reader experiences a book’s contents is due in part to the book’s layout and design. Pagination, text and font styles, margins and graphic elements are all guided by the book’s layout and how it is designed. … Continue reading »

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book cover template

Book Cover Template: How to Save Time and Money on a Great Cover Design

Should you use a book cover template? The book cover is one of the most important parts of any book. Given this, it makes sense for some writers to hire professional artists to design their covers. If your budget is … Continue reading »

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Ai generated coloring book

AI Generated Coloring Book: How to Create a Great Coloring Book

Are you interested in producing an AI generated coloring book? Coloring books are extremely popular among children and adults. Many adults use them to reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and just have fun. Given this popularity, some authors are cashing in … Continue reading »

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book self publishing

Book Self Publishing: 6 Great Tips

You’ve thought about book self publishing, and you’re excited about this as a choice, but you’ve got questions. Is it the right move for you? Are you ready for what’s ahead? Here’s a list of top tips to help you … Continue reading »

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book reviews

Book Reviews: How to Get Great Reviews for a Self-Published Book

Book reviews are a powerful tool in your marketing kit. With thousands of books published every year, getting book reviews can be difficult, even for commercially published books. For a self-published writer, the chances of getting them can look daunting. … Continue reading »

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book cover

Book Cover: 10 Tips to Design a Great Cover

Two aspects of your book that initially capture the attention of readers more than anything else are the title and the appearance of the book cover. The color palette, font styles and graphic elements should blend into a compelling visual … Continue reading »

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