Author Archives: Ann O'Brien

book cover art

Book Cover Art: How to Design an Outstanding Cover

How important is book cover art? A beautiful cover can mean the difference between a book that readers eagerly grab and one they leave on the shelf. When designing a book cover, you need inspiring, eye-catching images. Should you use … Continue reading »

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self publishing tips

Self Publishing Tips: 30 Tips for Success

Looking for some self publishing tips? Putting together a book that your readers will love as a self-published author includes everything from making sure that your manuscript looks great to crafting a marketing plan that ensures potential readers can find … Continue reading »

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self publishing skills

Self Publishing Skills: 7 Skills for an Outstanding Writer

What self publishing skills do you need to be a successful author? Once you’ve made the decision to publish your own book, your next moves involve printing, marketing, and distributing your book. To be successful, you’ll need a set of … Continue reading »

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book structure

Book Structure: Creating a Strong One for Your Nonfiction Book

You might know that a novel needs a strong narrative structure. This usually involves the classic fictional book structure of climax, conflict, and resolution. However, a nonfiction book needs its own strong book structure if it’s going to hold readers’ … Continue reading »

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children's book covers

Children’s Book Covers: 8 Concepts for Great Covers

Children’s books are so appealing because they provide the spark for a child’s imagination. Bold children’s book covers, memorable characters, and magical illustrations are all woven together into stories that are everything from outlandish to thoughtful. But the story doesn’t … Continue reading »

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yearbook creation

Yearbook Creation: 7 Steps to Creating an Outstanding Yearbook

Yearbook creation can seem like a daunting task, but schools, camps, and organizations are some groups that enjoy offering yearbooks for their members. This type of memory book is often put together every year to commemorate the membership as well … Continue reading »

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book title

Book Title: How to Create a Perfect Book Title

What’s the most important part of a book when it comes to attracting a reader’s attention? If you said, “the cover,” you’d be right, but a close second is the book title. Some authors spend days racking their brains to … Continue reading »

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book signings

Book Signings: 7 Tips for Successful Book Signings and Readings

Book signings and book readings can create publicity for your book, connect with readers, and give you much-needed practice in book promotion. They’re a wonderful way to celebrate your achievement and meet your fans. While book signings and book readings … Continue reading »

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book formatting

Book Formatting: 7 Great Tips for Self-Published Authors

Looking for some book formatting tips? Once you’ve authored a book you want to publish yourself, the next step is getting it ready to print. You have two choices when publishing your book, and each requires a different approach to … Continue reading »

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custom songbook

Custom Songbook: 7 Steps to Create a Great Songbook

If you’re a lyricist, you may have written a lot of songs, but they’re scattered all over the place. Putting them together in a custom songbook will help you realize how much work you’ve done and create a portfolio you … Continue reading »

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